Welcome to the Rhubarb talks website

The 'Rhubarb Talks' are a series of seminars by PhD students for PhD students at NOCS.

Upcoming seminars are posted below and cover a whole range of scientific exploits. Talks are held every other Monday afternoon at 4.30pm in the postgrad lounge (node 086) and are accompanied by nibbles and refreshments.

For more info or to volunteer for a talk, please contact The Rhubarb Team: Liz (E.Sargent@noc.soton.ac.uk),
Rosanna (R.Greenop@noc.soton.ac.uk), Maike (mjsp106@soton.ac.uk) or Sara (Sara.Cregeen@noc.soton.ac.uk)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Careers service - PGR Workshops

Paul mentioned the FESM Graduate School PGR Workshops at the end of todays talks. Here is the slide with all the details for those of you that are interested...

Further details are available on www.soton.ac.uk/careers or contact the School Administrator, on jmj[at]soton.ac.uk

Today's talks (Monday 29th Jan 2007)

Hi everyone,
Welcome to the new rhubarb talks website, your no. 1 stop for rhubarb related information. From now on we'll be updating this site with details about upcoming talks and anything else we can be bothered to fill it with...

So remember to bookmark this site!! (we've even got fancy RRS feeds on the page, so you can get rhubarb headlines delivered to your web browser)

We've also got another couple of talks for you this afternoon....

5pm - 044/11 the Ray Beverton room.

Expect the unexpected - Paul Morris


Diving in Alvin - a short video
- Sarah Bennett

Give it a try - you know you want to!!!

Sarah and Kirsty

p.s. drinks and nibbles provided

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Upcoming Rhubarb talks!

15th January 2007:
1) Sarah Murty - Finding and winning grant funding
2) Kirsty Edgar - Testing bipolar glaciation in the Eocene Ocean

29th January 2007:
1) Paul Morris - TBA
2) Sarah Bennett - Diving in Alvin (Video)